Why Join PFA? | Celebrating 50 years of the Credentialed Pedorthist!
PFA | Why Join PFA?

Why Join PFA? 

Dane LaFontsee, C. Ped

I am often asked, "Why should I be a member of the Pedorthic Footcare Association?” The answer I normally give is "PFA is the only organization that is strictly about pedorthics.”

When pondering this answer, I started to think about the history of PFA.  In 2010 we celebrated our 52nd anniversary. My thoughts have been about the time, dedication and long volunteer hours given by our past board and committee members and thegrowth that has taken place over the years. The association has grown from a trade organization to a professional membership organization. This growth was significant as it required the volunteers to be ready to move in many directions at once to answer the needs of the membership. This has been a challenge as the needs have changed quickly and profoundly.

The pedorthic profession has transformed greatly even in the years that I have practiced. We have seen change in every aspect of our profession, in the number of practitioners, in how and where we practice and in who credentials our profession. We see practitioners in diverse settings; clinical, specialty and retail. Educationally, this requires different tracks at our symposiums. We have seen education grow, not only in content, but in time required to retain our CEUs. The symposia have required ever-increasing space and time to accommodate the needs of our members.

PFA is forever on the move and always looking to protect our profession.

PFA's presence can be seen in Washington, D.C. to insure pedorthics are positively impacted in legislation and regulation. PFA's presence is seen on the state level when testifying on behalf of pedorthics where licensure is being proposed and where our scope of practice must be protected and ensured. As licensure increases on a state by state basis, we will find PFA providing support and written language to protect our right to practice. PFA will be providing the education required, with certificate courses to prove proper CEUs required by the state.

PFA is the only organization that is ONLY for and about pedorthics.

PFA will be ever-changing and growing. The past volunteers have given us the history and strong foundation to build on. The present volunteers will pave the way for the new ideas and requirements of our evolving profession. So when asked again, "Why should I be a member of PFA?” My answer will be, "to ensure the future of our profession and guarantee our presence in the healthcare industry. PFA is the only organization for and about pedorthics.” That alone is the reason to be a member.

    Dane LaFontsee, C. Ped.
    PFA Past President

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50th Celebration

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