Diabetic Series | 10 Sessions | Available Now


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  • Pedorthist Foot and Ankle Academy (PFAA)
  • Pedorthic Footcare Association (PFA)
  • Teresa Alpert, CO, C.Ped, PMAC, PFA President
  • Giuseppe Lombardo, C.Ped, Immediate Past President
  • Robert S. Schwartz C.Ped, PFA Executive Director


These sessions detail and provide in-depth presentations of the most important and proven methods to preventing, managing and healing the diabetic foot. These sessions enhance your abilities in the care and treatment of the diabetic foot, providing detailed ways to achieving optimal outcomes.

Each session includes a presentation as well as questions & answers.

WEBINARS: These webinars are available at PFA's LMS website NOW!

  • Individual Session: $95 Member; $195 Non-Member

  • FULL Series (10 sessions):

    20 CEUs for the entire program

    19.75 CEUs for the entire program

  • SINGLE Sessions:

    2.0 CEUs per session

    2.0 CEUs per session



Robert Schwartz, C.Ped
PFA Executive Director
President Eneslow Shoes
& Orthotics

contact: email

Dr. Josh White, DPM, C.Ped
Vice President, Orthofeet
contact: email

April Wilson, BS, CMPTA,

National Clinical Educator
Footcare, medi USA

contact: email

Teresa Alpert, CO, C.Ped, PMAC
President - Pedorthic
Footcare Association (PFA)
Orthotics - UC Health
Foot & Ankle Center

contact: email

Séamus Kennedy,
BEng(Mech), C.Ped, FAAOP(A)

Owner - Hersco Labs
contact: email

Giuseppe Lombardo, C.Ped
Past President - Pedorthic
Footcare Association (PFA)
Owner - Lombardo’s Comfort
& Casual Shoes

contact: email

Bryan Groleau COTA/L,

Diector of Clinical Education
at medi USA

contact: email

Garret Moore, DPM, DABPM
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Co-Director of the Wound and Ostomy Care clinic
contact: email

Brett Boger, C.Ped
Owner - Boger's Shoes
contact: email

Lew Schon, MD
Institute for Foot and Ankle Reconstruction,
Mercy Medical Center

contact: email

James McGuire,

Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine -
Foot and Ankle Institute

contact: email

Robert Orr, C.Ped
Shoe Fly Shoe Inc.
contact: email

T. Jay Kleeman, MD
University of Colorado School of Medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery
contact: email

Erick Janisse, CO, C.Ped
Corporate Trainer
DJO/Dr. Comfort Footwear

contact: email

Dennis J. Janisse, C.Ped
Asst. Professor, Dept. PM&R,
Medical College of Wisconsin,
National Pedorthic Services, Inc.

contact: email

Daniel K. Moon, MD, MS, MBA
University of Colorado School of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics Foot & Ankle Division
contact: email

Katia Langton, DC, C.Ped (C)
Oceanwalk Pedorthic
contact: email

SESSION Description

SESSION 01: Diabetic Foot Disorder
(June 7th, 2023 - 9am-10:30am EST)

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  • If you attended the LIVE webinar, may review the recording here: SESSION Recording
  • Please email if you have not received your access code: PFA Learning

  • Giuseppe Lombardo, C. Ped
  • Robert Schwartz, C.Ped
  • Dr. Josh White, DPM, C.Ped
  • April Wilson, BS, CMPTA, CKTP, CCI
  • Classifications, Risks, Pressure, Shear
  • Diabetic Conditions that Affect the Foot
  • Multi-disciplinary Team Approach
DESCRIPTION: Participants will learn how diabetes causes neuropathy, how ulcers occur and necessitate amputation and the prevention of diabetic foot complications.

SESSION 02: Biomechanical Objectives, Strategies, Assessment & Treatment
(July 5th, 2023 - 9am-11am EST)

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  • If you attended the LIVE webinar, may review the recording here: SESSION Recording
  • Please email if you have not received your access code: PFA Learning

  • Giuseppe Lombardo, C. Ped
  • Robert Schwartz, C.Ped
  • Dr. Josh White, DPM, C.Ped
  • April Wilson, BS, CMPTA, CKTP, CCI
  • Pedorthic Assessment
  • Footwear Forensics
  • Footwear and orthotics features and benefits
DESCRIPTION: This session will focus on the effects of pressure and shear on comfort, balance, alignment, posture, and gait. This includes biomechanical objectives, strategies & plans to relieve shear and pressure.
   Through pedorthic assessment and “Footwear Forensics”, we will identify footwear and orthotic selection features and benefits for the diabetic patient.

SESSION 03: Biomechanical and Pedorthic Assessment—Footwear Forensics: Footwear, Orthotics, AFO's, Compression Therapy, Prescriptions, Fit & Design
(August 2nd, 2023 - 9am-11am EST)

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  • If you attended the LIVE webinar, may review the recording here: SESSION Recording
  • Please email if you have not received your access code: PFA Learning

  • Giuseppe Lombardo, C. Ped
  • Robert Schwartz, C.Ped
  • Séamus Kennedy, BEng(Mech), CPed, FAAOP(A)
  • Bryan Groleau, COTA/L, CLT-LANA, CLWT, WCC, LLE
  • Assess historical factors, malalignments, and imbalances-to-date.
  • Prescribe and provide optimum product selection and guidance for functional, and lifestyle needs.
  • Best-practice shoes, orthotics, hosiery: selection, fit and function, features, benefits, materials, and designs.
  • Optimize comfort, balance, alignment, posture, and gait.
This session will remind practitioners of how diabetes affects feet and lower extremities.
   The focus will be on the assessment principles and action-plan to prevent, manage and heal.
   There will also be a review of existing footwear and related devices and how they relate to existing or potential disorders.
   The session will conclude with the recommended footwear tools and action plan to improve.

SESSION 04: Filling Pedorthic Rx Treatment Plan: Product selection and fitting - Completion - Delivery - Documentation - Follow-up
(September 6th, 2023 - 9am-11am EST)

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  • If you attended the LIVE webinar, may review the recording here: SESSION Recording
  • Please email if you have not received your access code: PFA Learning

  • Giuseppe Lombardo, C. Ped
  • Robert Schwartz, C.Ped
  • Teresa Alpert, CO, C.Ped, PMAC
  • Pedorthic Assessment & Footwear Forensics
    • Shoe, hosiery and orthotic fit and function
    • Standing, walking, subjective findings, wear patterns
  • PATIENT EDUCATION, goals and follow up regimen.
  • Reduce shear, friction and pressure to prevent ulceration.
  • Rx prescriber, patient, pedorthist, communication, The Team Approach.
This session will focus on Pedorthic Treatment Goals: Help relieve pain, improve comfort, balance, posture, energy, stamina, and gait for the diabetic patient.
   The session will conclude with the recommended footwear tools and action plan to improve.

SESSION 05: Diabetic wound offloading - Footwear Customization - Orthoses / Shoe-Modifications / Providing Solutions
(October 4th, 2023 - 9am-11am EST)

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  • If you attended the LIVE webinar, may review the recording here: SESSION Recording
  • Please email if you have not received your access code: PFA Learning

  • Giuseppe Lombardo, C. Ped
  • Robert Schwartz, C.Ped
  • Teresa Alpert, CO, C.Ped, PMAC
  • Dr. Garret Moore, DPM
  • Brett Boger, C.Ped

Wound Care Prevention and treatment Basic Practices and Offloading
  • Recognize basic types of foot disorders and risk for wounds
  • Address basic and advanced healing techniques
  • Offload diabetic foot wounds
  • Discuss when the patient should be referred to a medical specialist
Diabetic Orthotics and Footwear Modifications
  • Materials and designs best practices
  • Placement and Fitting
  • Follow-up with patient
DESCRIPTION: This session will focus on wound care prevention and treatment best practices and offloading of the diabetic foot. Footwear modifications of diabetic patients focusing on fitting, offloading to help relieve pain, improve comfort, balance, posture, energy, stamina, and gait including recommended footwear tools and action plan to improve.

SESSION 06: Diabetic Neuropathic Lesions (Ulcers) and Charcot Feet
(November 1st, 2023 - 9am-11am EST)

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  • If you attended the LIVE webinar, may review the recording here: SESSION Recording
  • Please email if you have not received your access code: PFA Learning

  • Giuseppe Lombardo, C. Ped
  • Robert Schwartz, C.Ped
  • Teresa Alpert, CO, C.Ped, PMAC
  • Dr. Lew Schon, MD
  • Prevention of an initial or subsequent Diabetic Neuropathic foot lesion is crucial to avoiding amputation.
  • Make use of a team of multidisciplinary professionals who are committed to limb salvage.
  • Patient education.
  • Regular foot-care examinations.
  • Therapeutic shoes with pressure-relieving insoles.

Prevention of an initial or subsequent foot lesion is crucial to avoiding amputation. The best approach is to make use of a team of multidisciplinary professionals who are committed to limb salvage. Centers that have instituted teams specifically for this purpose have subsequently reported dramatic reductions in lower-extremity amputation and improved rates of primary-ulcer healing.
   Patient education has a central role in treatment and should include instruction on foot hygiene, daily inspection, proper footwear, and the necessity of prompt treatment of new lesions.
   Regular foot-care examinations, including debridement of calluses and ingrown toe-nails, provide an opportunity to reinforce appropriate self-care behaviors and allow for early detection of new or impending foot problems.
   Therapeutic shoes with pressure-relieving insoles are an essential element of ulcer prevention and have been associated with significant reductions in their development.

SESSION 07: Footwear for Diabetic Foot Disorders
(December 6th, 2023 - 9am-11am EST)

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  • If you attended the LIVE webinar, may review the recording here: SESSION Recording
  • Please email if you have not received your access code: PFA Learning

  • Giuseppe Lombardo, C. Ped
  • Robert Schwartz, C.Ped
  • Teresa Alpert, CO, C.Ped, PMAC
  • James McGuire, PT, DPM, CPed, FAPWHc
  • Rob Orr, C.Ped
  • Providing footwear to help "end footwear related ulcers and amputations"; Pedorthists: “first responders”.
  • Utilize pedorthic and biomechanical features and benefits, indications, and contraindications.
  • Improve foot function for their lifestyles, activities, seasons.
Footwear selection criteria includes:
  • Last and foot/shoe size fittings, heel heights, flares and other support feature, rockers, stretch uppers, alternative closures.
  • Based on their lifestyles, activities, seasons problems and solutions.
  • Customization, internal, external. forefoot, midfoot, rearfoot. low quarter, mid chukka, high top.
  • Footwear to fit with heat molding inserts, custom molded inserts.
  • Socks, hosiery, compression. Ancillary problem-solving products.
  • Most people with diabetic foot disorders buy over-the-counter products for their disorders like everyone else.

SESSION 08: Custom Diabetic Accommodative Orthoses
(January 3rd, 2023 - 9am-11am EST)

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  • If you attended the LIVE webinar, may review the recording here: SESSION Recording
  • Please email if you have not received your access code: PFA Learning

  • Giuseppe Lombardo, C. Ped
  • Robert Schwartz, C.Ped
  • Teresa Alpert, CO, C.Ped, PMAC
  • T. Jay Kleeman, MD
  • Erick Janisse, CO, C.Ped
  • Offloading pressure and shear using materials and designs to prevent ulcers and amputations of the Diabetic Foot.
  • Orthoses in combination with footwear, gait and regimen training, and lifestyle choices provides the basis for a successful diabetic foot treatment plan. The team approach is emphasized to accomplish.

SESSION 09: Charcot Arthropathy
(February 7th, 2023 - 9am-11am EST)

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  • If you attended the LIVE webinar, may review the recording here: SESSION Recording
  • Please email if you have not received your access code: PFA Learning

  • Daniel K. Moon, MD, MS, MBA
  • Dennis Janisse C.Ped
  • Giuseppe Lombardo, C. Ped
  • Robert Schwartz, C.Ped
  • Teresa Alpert, CO, C.Ped, PMAC
  • Facilitate safe standing and walking by accommodating fixed deformities, controlling motion, redistributing forces, reducing friction, pressure, and shear, improving balance and gait.
  • Team approach to prescribing and providing pedorthic tools, footwear, orthoses, customization, hosiery, education and training and follow-up to enhance standing and walking over time.

SESSION 10: Partial Foot Amputations, Custom Molded Footwear & LEAP, “Lower Extremity Amputation Prevention”
(March 6th, 2023 - 9am-11am EST)

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  • If you attended the LIVE webinar, may review the recording here: SESSION Recording
  • Please email if you have not received your access code: PFA Learning

  • Séamus Kennedy, BEng(Mech), C.Ped, FAAOP(A)
  • Katia Langton, DC, C.Ped (C)
  • Giuseppe Lombardo, C. Ped
  • Robert Schwartz, C.Ped
  • Teresa Alpert, CO, C.Ped, PMAC
  • Recognize the early-stage Neuropathic foot to prevent excessive loading forces and protect these foot types from deformation, distortion and amputation.
  • Halt progression to destructive Risk including ulcers, amputations, and the Charcot foot. Facilitate proactive safe and effective ambulation by accommodating fixed deformities, controlling motion, redistributing pressure and shear, improve balance and gait.
  • LEAP - “Lower Extremity Amputation Prevention” protocols to achieve ulcer and amputation prevention.

Questions? ASK PFA!

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